Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012

Today I woke up and took a nice, long 7 minute shower and then got dressed and went downstairs. For breakfast, I had 4 and 9/10 sausages (don't know where the 1/10 went) and some eggs (full portion.) Next, I was driven to school where I had math. We reviewed homework, and we learned a little of a new lesson. I went to Service Learning afterwards, and I watched a video about these people who were legitimately going to Iraq and had cameras attached to their car so we saw all of it. We watched part of it. After that part we got into our groups when I asked the teacher where did Animal Allies meet and she said, “Animal Allies isn't in this group.” "You should be in PE," she said afterwards. I was very embarrassed. She went into a room where she started talking to the teacher about it. I was standing there, feeling awkward when I realized: This is too awkward. So I then got a chair and then I was sitting there, feeling awkward. That was a step up… I think… I hope. She said to check in with your PE teacher, and I did. I went to my Soccer tryout teacher and he said it was fine, and I joined to my rightful place for 3rd period. After that conundrum, I went to lunch and had a sandwich with some Trail Mix (I ate the M&M's first) and a Sunny D. A funny story about Sunny D: Sometime kids at school pay me 2-4 dollars for a Sunny D. I get so much money for that. It is like a job... I went to Life Science afterwards where someone handed out Peppermint Bark and it was delicious. Peppermint Bark is a peppermint flavored white and milk chocolate piece of chocolate. They are only available around the holidays so it is a special treat. Then we finished our Science video about plants and answered some questions about it. Then I was let out and went to Theater. We played a game called “May I” at first. May I is a game where you say someone’s name in the room followed with “May I.” They say yes and once they say yes you walk towards them. If you get to them before they can say someone else’s name followed with “May I,” they are in the middle where they try to tag anyone that passes by. If you get tagged, you swap middle positions with them. Then we played a game where Ms. Trattner (our theater teacher) picks someone and an object in the room and that person has 2, 3, or 4 minutes to become comfortable in that object. Here is the catch, you can’t be holding up your body in any way. You have to be completely limp and the other people in the class have to decide if you are comfortable or not. Then class ended and we were dismissed and I hung out with Theo and Powell for a bit before walking home. At home I did my homework (making Spanish flashcards) and had some grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner. Then after that I typed this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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